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Looking for high school student travel programs!

Hey guys, does anyone know of any cool travel programs for high school students? I'm looking to explore new places and cultures during my summer break. Thanks for sharing any experiences you might have!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in exploring new places and cultures during your summer break. There are various travel programs for high school students that cater to different interests and requirements. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Experiment in International Living (EIL): EIL offers immersive, cross-cultural experiences in various countries around the world. Their programs emphasize hands-on learning, community service, and language acquisition. You can choose from options like cultural discovery, sustainability-focused projects, or language programs.

2. Rustic Pathways: Rustic Pathways arranges travel and service-learning programs for high school students, combining adventure, education, and philanthropy. They offer programs in countries like Costa Rica, Fiji, and Thailand, where participants work on community service projects and explore the local culture.

3. Global Leadership Adventures (GLA): GLA programs focus on community service and leadership development. They have locations across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, working on projects ranging from wildlife conservation to public health initiatives.

4. National Geographic Student Expeditions: If you're into photography, filmmaking, or scientific research, National Geographic Student Expeditions are an excellent choice. These programs provide opportunities to learn from National Geographic experts and gain hands-on experience in fields like photography, archaeology, or marine biology.

When considering a travel program, keep in mind your personal interests, budget, and the duration you're looking for. Also, check the program's reputation, safety measures, and participant testimonials to ensure a good experience. Happy traveling!

a year ago

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