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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How Do Acceptance Rates Affect College Choices?

Hey guys, just wondering, how strongly should I weigh acceptance rates when considering which colleges to apply to? Does a lower acceptance rate necessarily mean a better fit?

a year ago

Acceptance rates are just one piece of the puzzle when considering which colleges to apply to, so it's important not to solely rely on them when making your college choices. A lower acceptance rate doesn't necessarily mean a better fit for you. Instead, consider your interests, goals, the programs and resources available at each college, geographic location, campus culture, and financial aid, among other factors.

For example, two colleges may have different acceptance rates, but one might have a renowned program or resources in the specific field you plan to study while the other might not. In this case, the latter may not be a good fit, despite its lower acceptance rate.

Furthermore, colleges with low acceptance rates are often more competitive, and getting admitted can be challenging. It's essential to create a balanced list of colleges, including reach schools, target schools, and safety schools. Reach schools are those with low acceptance rates and challenging admission requirements, target schools have acceptance rates and requirements that align with your profile, and safety schools are those you are confident you will get accepted due to your admissions profile's strength.

In summary, while acceptance rates can provide an indication of a school's competitiveness, they shouldn't be the only determining factor in your college search. Focus on finding colleges that fit your needs and interests, offer strong programs in your preferred areas of study, and have environments in which you can see yourself thriving. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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