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San Diego State University transfer application process?

Hello everyone, I'm interested in transferring to San Diego State University. Can someone shed some light on their transfer application process? Are there any specific requirements I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Transferring to San Diego State University (SDSU) is definitely an exciting prospect. I'd be happy to provide you with some info on their transfer application process and specific requirements.

First, SDSU uses the Cal State Apply application for transfer admissions. It's the same application portal used by all CSU schools. The standard application period starts October 1 and ends November 30 for the following academic year.

As a transfer applicant, there are certain requirements you need to meet:

1. You must have completed a minimum of 60 transferable semester units (90 quarter units) by the time you enroll at SDSU.

2. You need a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for California residents, and 2.4 for non-California residents, in all transferable college coursework.

3. Make sure you meet SDSU's "Golden Four" coursework requirements, which consist of:

a. Oral Communication (public speaking, small group communication, debate)

b. Written Communication (English composition courses)

c. Critical Thinking (courses like logic, debate, critical writing, analysis)

d. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (college-level math courses)

4. Complete the required major-specific prerequisite courses and recommended coursework for your desired major. You can use the SDSU Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) to help you determine which courses to take. Keep in mind that some majors are impacted, which means they have more applicants than available spots, resulting in higher admission standards.

SDSU usually gives admission priority to community college students from their local San Diego area, but they also accept transfer students from outside their immediate region. Be mindful that the competition for many majors might be more intense if you're applying from outside SDSU's local area.

Finally, submit your official transcripts, test scores (if applicable), and any other required documents as instructed. Make sure to be on top of the deadlines, as late submissions could risk your eligibility.

I hope this information helps you with your transfer application to San Diego State University! Good luck!

a year ago

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