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Lost diploma from high school, what to do?

Hey everyone, I recently misplaced my high school diploma, and I'm not sure what to do now. Does anyone know how to go about getting a replacement or any other solutions? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! No worries, losing your high school diploma is quite a common issue and it's definitely possible to obtain a replacement.

Here's what you should do:

1. Contact your high school: Reach out to your high school's main office or student records department. Explain that you've lost your diploma and would like to request a replacement. They'll likely have a form for you to fill out and might charge a small fee for processing the request.

2. Provide necessary information: To process your replacement request, make sure to provide your full name (as it appeared on your diploma), the year you graduated, and any other relevant details they might need to locate your records.

3. Be patient: Once you've submitted the request form and paid the fee (if required), it may take a few weeks for the school to process your replacement request and mail you the new diploma.

4. If all else fails, request a transcript: If for some reason your high school cannot issue a new diploma, you can still request an official transcript from the school. The transcript will list your graduation date, courses, and grades, which would be sufficient for most purposes where a diploma might be needed.

In the meantime, make sure to keep your other important documents (like your transcript and any certifications) safe and organized to avoid similar situations in the future. Good luck!

a year ago

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