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Top target schools for investment banking?

Hey folks, I'm really interested in pursuing a career in investment banking. What are some of the top target schools that have strong recruitment pipelines for investment banking positions?

a year ago

Hey there! Pursuing a career in investment banking is an exciting choice. There are several top-tier schools with strong recruitment pipelines for investment banking positions:

1. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School): Wharton is renowned for its strong finance program and excellent placements in investment banking.

2. Harvard University: Being an Ivy League school, it has excellent connections to Wall Street firms, and its graduates are highly sought after.

3. New York University (Stern School of Business): Its location in New York City makes it a natural choice for those pursuing investment banking, as it's in close proximity to many top firms.

4. Columbia University: Another NYC-based school with excellent connections, Columbia's graduates are often recruited for finance positions.

5. University of Chicago (Booth School of Business): Highly regarded for its rigorous finance curriculum, Booth has a great reputation in placing its graduates in investment banking positions.

6. Stanford University: Known for its entrepreneurial environment, Stanford grads are also in high demand for finance positions.

7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management): MIT's technical and analytical strengths carry over into its finance program, making its graduates attractive prospects for investment banking positions.

8. Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management): Kellogg has a solid reputation in finance and offers strong recruiting channels into investment banking.

9. Duke University (Fuqua School of Business): Fuqua students have access to resources like the Center for Financial Excellence, which helps connect them with opportunities in investment banking.

10. Dartmouth College (Tuck School of Business): Tuck features an intensive finance curriculum and makes connections with prestigious firms for recruiting.

Of course, attending a top target school is only part of the equation. When applying for investment banking positions, it's crucial to focus on building a strong resume through internships, networking, and maintaining an excellent academic record. Good luck with your future endeavors in investment banking!

a year ago

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