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Best topics for a high school speech?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to come up with a speech for my English class and I'm honestly struggling to choose a topic. What are some of the best topics you've seen or heard for high school speeches? If you could share some ideas or your experiences, I'd really appreciate it!

a year ago

Hey there! Coming up with a speech topic can be challenging, but with a little inspiration, you'll be on your way to delivering a captivating speech. Here are a few ideas based on a mix of themes and styles:

1. Overcoming obstacles: Talk about a personal or community challenge and how you or others overcame it, sharing valuable lessons learned in the process.

2. Mental health awareness: Discuss the importance of mental health, how to recognize when someone is struggling, and resources available to help.

3. The power of kindness: Share examples of small acts of kindness that can have a big impact on the world and encourage others to spread kindness.

4. Pursuing your passions: Inspire your classmates to pursue their interests and hobbies by highlighting the benefits of personal growth and self-discovery.

5. The impact of social media on society: Analyze both the positive and negative aspects of social media and how it has shaped the way we interact with each other.

6. Environmental issues and solutions: Choose an environmental issue you're passionate about (e.g., climate change or plastic pollution); discuss its causes and the potential solutions we can adopt.

7. Inspirational figures: Describe a historical or contemporary figure who has had a significant impact on your life and the values that you admire in them.

Remember to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as your enthusiasm will shine through in your speech. Personal stories and experiences, as well as anecdotes, can make your speech more relatable and engaging. Good luck with your speech!

a year ago

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