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Looking for University of Wisconsin transfer requirements

I'm planning to transfer to the University of Wisconsin. I'm curious if anyone can share the transfer requirements, like GPA, credit hours, and anything else I should be aware of. Thanks, guys!

a year ago

Hey there! I'd be happy to provide some information on the transfer requirements for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Keep in mind that requirements may vary slightly depending on your intended program of study, but here's some general information:

1. GPA: While there is no strict GPA requirement, competitive transfer applicants typically have a GPA of at least 2.8 to 3.0, depending on their program. Applicants to certain programs, such as business or engineering, might need a higher GPA.

2. Credit Hours: You should have completed at least 24 transferable semester credit hours or 36 transferable quarter credit hours before applying. It's important to note that not all credits may transfer, so it's a good idea to check the Transfer Equivalency Database to see how your credits will transfer to UW-Madison.

3. Additional Requirements: Some programs may have pre-requisites or specific course requirements that need to be met before you can be considered for admission. Make sure to review the program's specific requirements on the UW-Madison website.

4. Application Materials: You'll need to submit the application itself, along with a $60 application fee, official college transcripts from all institutions attended, and a personal statement. The personal statement is your opportunity to explain your reasons for transferring, discuss your academic and personal background, and express your interest in your chosen program of study.

5. Deadlines: The deadlines for transfer applications vary depending on the semester you wish to enter. For fall semester, the deadline is typically in early March; for spring semester, it's usually in late October. Be sure to check the UW-Madison website for the most up-to-date information.

It's a good idea to reach out to the UW-Madison Admissions Office or your intended program's department for specific advice on your situation. Best of luck with your transfer application!

a year ago

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