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Where can I find homework help websites for college students?

Hey everyone, I've been struggling with some of my college coursework recently. Can anyone recommend some websites or resources that offer homework help specifically for college students? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that college coursework can be challenging at times. Fortunately, there are a few resources out there that can help you with your homework! Here's a list I'd recommend checking out:

1. CollegeVine: CollegeVine has a free AI tutor, Ivy, that can help you with all subjects: . You can chat and get near-instant responses to your questions.

2. Khan Academy ( — Although better known for its K-12 offerings, Khan Academy also has an extensive library of college-level material in areas such as math, science, and engineering. Lessons are presented in the form of videos and practice exercises.

2. Coursera ( — Coursera has partnered with top universities and institutions to provide a wide range of college-level courses. While you may not find help specifically tailored to your homework, you can definitely use the course materials to deepen your understanding of the subjects.

3. Wolfram Alpha ( — This is a computational knowledge engine that can help you in various disciplines, especially in math, science, and engineering. It can solve problems, display computations step by step, and even check your work.

4. OpenStax ( — OpenStax offers free, peer-reviewed textbooks for college courses. If you're struggling with a specific class, consider searching for an alternate textbook on OpenStax to gain a different perspective.

5. Campus Tutoring Centers — Most colleges have tutoring centers where you can find one-on-one help from fellow students in various subjects. Check your college's website or visit your academic advising office for more information on these resources.

Remember, always reach out to your professors or TAs during their office hours if you're struggling with coursework. They're there to help you succeed, and they might be able to offer personalized guidance that's tailored to your specific needs. Good luck!

a year ago

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