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University of Tennessee Summer Programs?

Hey guys, does anyone know anything about summer programs offered for high school students at the University of Tennessee? I'm looking for a way to spend my summer, and would love to hear about any experiences or suggestions related to their programs.

a year ago

Hello! The University of Tennessee offers some interesting summer programs for high school students to explore different fields and gain valuable experience. Some popular programs at UT include:

1. Engineering VOLunteers for Tenth Graders (eVOL10): This one-week residential program is designed for rising high school sophomores to explore various engineering disciplines. You'll participate in hands-on activities, interact with faculty and current students, and learn more about careers in engineering.

2. Governor's School for the Sciences and Engineering (GSSE): A prestigious and selective four-week residential program for rising juniors and seniors. It focuses on advanced STEM subjects and research, with opportunities to attend lectures, participate in labs, and develop research projects with faculty members.

3. UT Architecture + Design Summer Camp: This is a great program for students interested in architecture and design fields. It's typically a one-week intensive experience for high school students, where you get to engage with architectural concepts, design projects, and visit architectural sites.

4. High School Introduction to Engineering Systems for Twelfth Graders (HITES12): This is another one-week residential program for rising high school seniors interested in engineering. It offers hands-on team activities, guest speakers, and exposure to multiple engineering disciplines.

If none of these options seems quite right to you, don’t worry—they are just a few examples of the summer programs offered at UT, and there are others you can learn more about on their website. If you are interested in one or more of them, be aware that they may have limited availability or other requirements, so check the university's website for details on application deadlines and eligibility. Hope this information helps you find a suitable summer program at the University of Tennessee!

a year ago

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