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What are some good transition words for evidence in essays?

I've been working on improving my essay writing skills, and I feel like my transition sentences could be better. What are some recommended transition words or phrases that I can use to introduce evidence in my essays?

a year ago

Transition words and phrases are essential in guiding your reader through your essay and creating a smooth flow between your points and evidence. Here are some recommended transition words and phrases to introduce evidence in your essays:

1. To exemplify or illustrate:

- For example

- For instance

- In particular

- Specifically

- Namely

- To illustrate

2. To demonstrate or show:

- As evidenced by

- As shown by

- In this case

- To demonstrate

- To show that

- This can be seen in

3. To support or emphasize:

- Furthermore

- Moreover

- Additionally

- In addition

- Notably

- Importantly

4. To indicate a cause or reason:

- Because of

- Due to

- As a result of

- In light of

- Since

- Given that

5. To indicate a contrast or comparison:

- On the other hand

- Conversely

- In contrast

- However

- Nevertheless

- While

- Though

6. To indicate a concession or acknowledgment:

- Although

- Granted

- Admittedly

- Even though

- Despite

- Nonetheless

Remember to vary your transition words and phrases throughout your essay to maintain a natural flow. Don't overuse the same phrases, as this could make your writing sound repetitive. Additionally, ensure that the transition words and phrases you choose accurately convey the relationship between the ideas and evidence you're presenting. Good luck with your essay writing!

a year ago

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