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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP Calculus BC vs. AB: Which Exam Score Calculator Should I Use?

Hey everyone, I'm taking the AP Calculus BC exam and want to use a score calculator to have an idea of my possible score. Are the BC and AB score calculators essentially the same, or should I use a specific one for BC?

a year ago

Hello! It's important to use an AP Calculus BC score calculator since the BC exam covers more advanced material compared to the AB exam. Additionally, the scoring criteria and cutoffs for the two exams can be different.

Make sure to look for a reputable AP Calculus BC score calculator, such as those provided by test prep websites like, that will take into account the differences between AB and BC exams. By using the appropriate BC calculator, you will get a more accurate estimate of your potential score. Good luck on your exam!

a year ago

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