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Looking for Game Design Camps

Hey all! I'm passionate about game design and would like to attend a summer camp related to it. Any recommendations for game design camps that could help me develop my skills and boost my resume?

a year ago

Hi there! It's fantastic to hear about your passion for game design. There are several summer camps and programs that not only focus on game design but also provide valuable experiences that can strengthen your resume. Here are a few options for you to consider:

1. iD Tech Camps: iD Tech is a widely-respected organization offering many tech-related camps, including those focused on game design. With programs held on college campuses across the country, you'll have the opportunity to learn from knowledgeable instructors and get hands-on experience with various game design tools, including Unity and Unreal Engine.

2. Massachusetts Digital Games Institute (MassDiGI) Summer Innovation Program: This is a selective program that brings together college students interested in game design, art, programming, and production. Participants work together in teams to develop games, which are showcased at the end of the program. While this program is mainly for college students, it's valuable to know about if you plan to pursue game design in your higher education journey.

3. Carnegie Mellon University's National High School Game Academy: This program offers comprehensive game design instruction for high school students. You'll learn about game art, sound, programming, and design while working on hands-on projects.

4. Games for Change Student Challenge: If you are interested in participating in a competition, the Games for Change Student Challenge is a good choice. Students create digital games around specific themes, and winners get the chance to showcase their work at the Games for Change Festival in New York City. Participating in competitions like this helps you resume stand out and shows your dedication to game design.

These are just a few examples of game design camps and programs that can help you develop your skills and boost your resume. Keep in mind that the best programs tend to be selective and focus on hands-on experience. Good luck, and enjoy your summer!

a year ago

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