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Tufts vs. Georgetown: Help me decide for International Relations!

I've been accepted into Tufts and Georgetown, and I want to major in International Relations. I know both schools are highly respected in the field, but I'm having trouble making a decision. Can someone share their thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of the International Relations programs at both schools? How do their campus cultures, social scenes, and opportunities differ? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances to both Tufts and Georgetown! Both are fantastic schools, especially for studying International Relations. I can help outline some differences between the two programs, as well as their campus cultures, social scenes, and opportunities.

International Relations Programs:

At Tufts, you have the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, which is renowned for its emphasis on both practical and theoretical aspects of international affairs. The undergraduate program is interdisciplinary, enabling you to tailor your major by choosing from a wide variety of courses. Tufts also offers strong language programs and study abroad opportunities, essential for an IR major.

Georgetown's School of Foreign Service (SFS) has an equally prestigious reputation, offering a specialized and focused curriculum for International Relations. You'll find rigorous coursework covering diverse subjects like politics, history, and economics. Georgetown also boasts an impressive roster of faculty with real-world experience in their fields.

Campus Culture:

Tufts is located in the suburbs of the Greater Boston area. The student body is known to be friendly, socially aware, and dedicated to community involvement. Students often refer to themselves as "quirky," and there's a strong sense of camaraderie on campus.

Georgetown is located in the prestigious Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., allowing for excellent networking opportunities and internships. The campus is more traditional and preppy, and students are ambitious and career-oriented. Your proximity to the U.S. government and various international organizations offers valuable experiences for your future career in International Relations.

Social Scene:

At Tufts, the social scene is generally inclusive and casual. There are plenty of clubs, organizations, and campus events for you to get involved in. Greek life exists but isn't a predominant feature of the social scene.

In contrast, Georgetown's social scene can be more formal, with a focus on networking and building connections. The presence of Greek life is similarly limited, but students often socialize through organizations, clubs, and events. Also, don't forget about the access to various cultural experiences, concerts, and nightlife options provided by the city of D.C.


Both schools have great opportunities for International Relations majors. Tufts offers the EPIIC Symposium, where students work together to plan an annual conference on global issues. There are also various research opportunities and internships in the Boston area.

Georgetown, due to its D.C. location, offers unparalleled opportunities for internships at government agencies, NGOs, and think tanks. The SFS also hosts numerous guest speakers and invites influential professionals in International Relations for seminars and panel discussions. Additionally, the Georgetown Global Experience Programs, specific to SFS students, are designed to broaden students' perspective on global affairs through immersive experiential learning opportunities.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your preferences and priorities. Both schools have excellent International Relations programs, but they differ in campus culture, location, and opportunities. Reflect on which environment would suit your personality, needs, and goals to make the most informed decision. Good luck!

a year ago

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