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Any recommendations for the best homework help sites?

Hey! So I've been struggling lately with my homework in a few subjects, and I was wondering if anyone could suggest some solid homework help websites to check out? I'm looking for something that could help me better understand the material and improve my grades. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand the struggle, and I'm glad you're looking for resources to help improve your understanding. There are several reliable websites to assist you with your homework, but some of them are tailored to particular subjects. Here are a few suggestions:

1. CollegeVine: CollegeVine has a free AI tutor, Ivy, that can help you with all subjects: . They also offer a free Q&A platform where students can ask questions related to high school coursework and receive answers from other students or mentors. CollegeVine has a great blog as well with articles that provide both general academic tips, as well as specific help and practice for a variety of AP courses and material.

2. Khan Academy ( This is a fantastic resource for students of all ages, covering subjects such as math, science, history, and more. The site offers video lessons and practice exercises to help you better understand the material.

3. Wolfram|Alpha ( This is a powerful computational knowledge engine that can handle subjects like math, science, engineering, and more. You can input your problems, and Wolfram|Alpha will provide step-by-step solutions and explanations.

4. SparkNotes ( SparkNotes is the go-to site for literature summaries and analyses. In addition to literature, it also offers summaries and guides for subjects like history, philosophy, and psychology.

5. Purdue OWL ( If you're looking for help with writing and style, Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) has resources on various writing topics, including grammar, mechanics, and citation styles like APA, MLA, and Chicago.

6. DuoLingo ( If you're looking for help in language studies, DuoLingo offers a fun and interactive way to learn new languages with exercises and games that adapt to your level.

It's important to identify which subjects you need help with in order to choose the most appropriate resource. Don't hesitate to ask your teachers or classmates for assistance, too. Good luck, and I hope these resources help you improve your understanding and grades!

a year ago

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