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Isenberg School of Management - Acceptance Rates?

Hi there, I'm interested in applying to the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. Does anyone know the general acceptance rate for their undergrad program or any tips for having a competitive application? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! The Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst is a well-regarded business school, and though specific acceptance rates can vary from year to year, it is generally considered to be competitive. While I don't have the exact acceptance rate, here are a few tips to help make your application stand out:

1. Strong academics: Ensure your transcript reflects a challenging course load, including AP or honors classes, particularly in math and business-related subjects. Solid grades and a high GPA will demonstrate your preparedness for a rigorous business program.

2. Test scores: Although many colleges have moved toward test-optional policies, competitive test scores on the SAT or ACT still hold weight when considered. Aim for a score at or above the college's average to improve your chances.

3. Extracurricular involvement: Highlight your passion for business or management through participation in clubs, internships, or part-time jobs. Examples include participating in DECA, FBLA, or starting your own small business.

4. Leadership experiences: Colleges value students who can take charge and positively influence their environment. Showcasing leadership roles in clubs, sports teams, or community organizations can help demonstrate these qualities.

5. Essays and recommendation letters: Make sure your essays reflect your interest in business, your dedication to learning, and your unique qualities that would contribute to the Isenberg School of Management community. Recommendation letters from teachers who can speak to your work ethic, critical thinking skills, and potential for success in business will also strengthen your application.

6. Interviews: If the Isenberg School offers interviews, take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your personality, motivation, and genuine interest in their business program.

7. Connect with alumni or current students: Reach out to people who've experienced the Isenberg School firsthand and gain valuable insights into the program, application process, and campus culture.

Overall, it's crucial to demonstrate your commitment to the field of business and management, as well as your ability to excel academically and contribute to the school's community. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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