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Georgia Southern vs. GA State: Need help deciding!

Hey guys, I'm currently stuck between choosing Georgia Southern and Georgia State for college. If anyone has any input on the social atmosphere, academic opportunities, and campus environments that could help me make a decision, I'd really appreciate it!

a year ago

Hi there! I'll try to break down some of the differences between Georgia Southern and Georgia State to help with your decision:

Social Atmosphere:

- Georgia Southern has a more traditional college atmosphere with a focus on campus life and events. There's a strong sense of school spirit and sports play a significant role in the social scene.

- Georgia State is more of an urban campus located in downtown Atlanta. The social atmosphere is diverse, and the student population is more spread out due to the city setting.

Academic Opportunities:

- Georgia Southern offers a wide range of majors with strong programs in health and human sciences, education, and business. The campus has a tight-knit community and smaller class sizes, which could be beneficial for forming relationships with professors.

- Georgia State has a larger student body and numerous research opportunities due to its location in Atlanta. Some of their strongest programs include business, law, and nursing. Additionally, GSU has strong partnerships with local industries, offering more internship and job opportunities upon graduation.

Campus Environments:

- Georgia Southern's campus is located in Statesboro, which has a more laid-back, small-town vibe. The campus is spacious with greenery and is more focused on outdoor activities.

- Georgia State's campus is in the heart of Atlanta and has a more fast-paced, metropolitan environment. The campus buildings are integrated into the city, and you'll find a mix of old and new architecture. Atlanta's rich arts and culture scene also provides plenty of off-campus activities.

With all this in mind, it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. If you're looking for a more tight-knit, traditional college experience and a slower-paced environment, Georgia Southern might be a better fit. If you'd prefer a diverse, urban setting with more access to professional opportunities, Georgia State could be the right choice. Best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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