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Is history considered humanities or social science?

Hey everyone! I've been thinking about choosing a possible major for college and I'm a bit confused. Would history be categorized under humanities or social science? Would love to hear your insights!

a year ago

Hi there! History is an interesting subject because it can be considered as both a humanities and a social science discipline, depending on the focus and approach.

In the humanities perspective, history explores the human experience, culture, and the story of human society by analyzing past events and assessing their significance. In this approach, historical study may revolve around literature, art, philosophy, religion, and other aspects that have shaped human culture.

On the other hand, as a social science, history delves into understanding the past and connecting it to present societal issues, examining historical patterns, and making informed predictions about the future. In this approach, history may involve analyzing political and economic systems, social structures, and trends, such as demographics, migration, and technological impacts over time.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that fields of study can often overlap and intersect. When deciding on a major, consider which perspective of history you're most passionate about and find a college program that fits your interests. Many universities and colleges will accommodate interdisciplinary interests, allowing you to combine your passion for history with both humanities and social science approaches. Good luck in your academic journey!

a year ago

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