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Top 5-year PA programs

Hey everyone! I'm interested in becoming a Physician Assistant and I've been looking into 5-year PA programs. Anyone know which schools have the best ones?

a year ago

Hi! It's great to see that you're interested in becoming a Physician Assistant. Here's a list of some well-regarded 5-year PA programs you can consider. Be aware that some of these programs may take slightly longer than 5 years (5.5, for example), but all provide an accelerated path to becoming a PA.

1. Drexel University - Drexel's 5-year Physician Assistant program is well-regarded for its comprehensive curriculum and strong clinical training. It's one of the largest PA programs in the nation, and offers students exposure to a diverse patient population.

2. Hofstra University - Hofstra's 5-year program offers a unique dual-degree option (Bachelor of Science/Master of Science) in Physician Assistant Studies. The program emphasizes hands-on clinical training and benefits from a strong network of clinical rotation sites.

3. Duquesne University - Duquesne's 5-year PA program, which was the first of its kind in the country, also combines a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences with a Master of Physician Assistant Studies. The program prides itself on its small class sizes, personalized attention, and strong focus on clinical skills.

4. King's College - The King's College 5-year PA program includes a Bachelor of Science in Medical Studies followed by a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies. The program has a strong reputation for providing students with comprehensive pre-professional and professional education, featuring a robust clinical phase with diverse clinical sites for rotations.

Each of these programs has its unique strengths and focus areas, so it's essential to research each of them to find the best fit for your needs and preferences. Don't forget to also consider the location, campus culture, tuition, and financial aid opportunities when making your decision - you want to be sure that the overall school environment will help you thrive as you complete this rigorous, accelerated academic track.

Best of luck in your pursuit of becoming a Physician Assistant!

a year ago

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