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Submitting High School Transcripts?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and I'm unsure about the process for submitting my high school transcripts to colleges. Can anyone walk me through the steps to make sure I do it right?

a year ago

Hello! I'd be happy to walk you through the steps for submitting your high school transcripts to colleges. The process can vary depending on your high school, so it's always important to communicate with your guidance counselor. Here's a general outline of the steps you should take:

1. Research transcript requirements: Check the colleges you're planning to apply to for their specific transcript submission requirements. Some colleges may require your transcripts to be sent directly from your high school, while others may accept self-reported grades in the application (with official transcripts required upon acceptance).

2. Speak with your guidance counselor: Schedule a meeting with your high school guidance counselor or registrar to discuss your intention to submit your transcripts to colleges. They will give you specific instructions based on your school's policies and procedures.

3. Request your transcripts: Depending on your school's system, you may need to submit a formal request for your transcripts, either online or on paper. Be prepared to provide the necessary information, such as the names and addresses of the colleges you're applying to.

4. Check for transcript fees: Some high schools may charge a fee for each transcript they send out on your behalf. Make sure you're aware of any fees and have the means to cover the cost if necessary.

5. Allow time for processing: Give your high school adequate time to process your transcript requests. This may vary from a few days to a few weeks, so make sure to submit your requests well in advance of the college application deadlines.

6. Follow up and confirm submission: After the estimated processing time has passed, follow up with your guidance counselor or registrar to confirm that your transcripts have been sent. Some colleges also provide online portals where you can track the receipt of your documents.

7. Send updates if needed: If you have significant updates to your transcript, such as new senior year grades or updated class rankings, you may want to send an updated transcript to the colleges you applied to. Speak with your guidance counselor and the college admissions offices about the best way to proceed.

Remember, the key is communication with your high school and the colleges you're applying to in order to make sure you're following their specific policies and procedures. Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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