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University of Michigan vs Indiana: Which is better for studying journalism?

I'm accepted to the University of Michigan and Indiana University, and I'm considering a major in journalism. Can anyone offer some advice on the journalism programs at both schools? Which one has a better reputation and job placements?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances to both the University of Michigan and Indiana University! Both schools have their own unique strengths and opportunities in the field of journalism.

At the University of Michigan, you can minor in creative writing, with a focus on creative nonfiction, within the College of LSA. While they don't have a full-fledged journalism major, their program emphasizes storytelling, critical thinking, and digital media skills that can be applied in various media-related fields. You'll also have access to a variety of immersive programs, and the university's highly-regarded reputation can open doors for internships and job placements in prestigious media outlets. You can read more about Michigan’s journalism-related offerings on their website:

On the other hand, Indiana University's Media School offers a comprehensive Bachelor of Arts in Journalism that covers various aspects of the profession such as reporting, editing, multimedia storytelling, and ethics in journalism. The curriculum allows for a substantial amount of hands-on experience through internships, student media outlets, and collaborations with professional news organizations. IU also has a great alumni network in the field of media, which can be beneficial when looking for job opportunities after graduation.

In terms of reputation, both schools are regarded as giving aspiring journalists a top-notch education. However, Indiana University's journalism program might provide a more immersive and comprehensive experience due to its dedicated major. The journalism-specific resources and opportunities for practical experience you’d access through the major could give you an edge in the job market after graduation.

Ultimately, you should also consider factors such as campus life, location, and financial aid, along with the academic program, when making your final decision, as you want to be sure that the overall environment will be conducive to your success as a journalist. Visiting both universities, talking to current students and faculty, and researching each school's resources and extracurricular opportunities can help you determine which option will both best align with your journalism aspirations and provide the right environment for your overall college experience.

Best of luck!

a year ago

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