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Bachelor of Aviation Schools - Where To Go?

I'm super interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Aviation degree. Are there any recommended schools with strong programs in this field? Would be great to get some personal experiences and guidance!

a year ago

I'm glad to hear about your interest in pursuing a Bachelor of Aviation degree! There are several reputable schools known for strong aviation programs, and I'll highlight a few of them:

1. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU): ERAU is a top choice for many aviation students due to its specialized focus on aerospace and aviation. They offer various aviation degree options, including Air Traffic Management, Aeronautical Science, and Aviation Business Administration. The university also has two campuses, one in Daytona Beach, Florida, and the other in Prescott, Arizona, both of which provide excellent facilities and resources, such as state-of-the-art flight simulators and fleet of training aircraft.

2. University of North Dakota (UND): UND’s John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences has consistently been ranked among the best aviation schools in the country. Their comprehensive aviation program covers various areas, including commercial aviation, air traffic control, and unmanned aircraft systems. The school also offers ample flight training opportunities and is well-connected with industry partners.

3. Purdue University: Purdue's School of Aviation and Transportation Technology has a rich history in training both pilots and aviation professionals. They offer degrees in areas such as Professional Flight, Aviation Management, and Aeronautical Engineering Technology. Purdue also has a vibrant aviation research environment, which can be a significant advantage for students interested in pursuing research during or after their studies.

4. Ohio State University: The Center for Aviation Studies at Ohio State has a strong aviation program, including options for Air Transportation, Aviation Management, and Professional Pilot. The university operates an airport where students have ample opportunities for hands-on experience and flight training.

When selecting a school, it's important to consider factors such as location, campus facilities, academic offerings, and, of course, affordability. You may want to attend an open house or schedule a campus visit to get a feel for the environment and speak with faculty and current students about their experiences.

Additionally, while I can't provide you with specific personal experiences, many students in the field have praised the hands-on learning opportunities and strong industry connections that these programs offer. They also appreciate the breadth of program offerings, which allows them to tailor their education to their specific interests within aviation.

I hope this information helps you narrow down your options and find the best-fit Bachelor of Aviation program for you. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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