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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Graduating Class Size Importance

Hey there! I was wondering if the size of one's graduating class holds any significance when it comes to college admissions. Does it affect the chances of getting accepted into top schools?

a year ago

Hello! While the size of your graduating class doesn't directly impact your chances of getting accepted into top schools, there are a few indirect ways it can impact your college application:

1. Class rank: Class rank is a measure of your academic performance compared to your classmates. In larger classes, there is often more competition, making it harder to achieve a high rank. College admissions officers do consider class rank, but they also take into account the context of your high school and its competitiveness.

2. Course offerings: Larger high schools often have greater resources, which can mean more diverse course offerings and extracurricular opportunities. Colleges appreciate students who challenge themselves with rigorous coursework, participate in various activities, and develop their interests. Having access to a wider range of courses could help in this regard.

3. Teacher recommendations: Given that teachers at larger schools tend to have more students, it could be more difficult for them to write detailed, personalized recommendation letters. In smaller schools, teachers might have stronger relationships with their students, which could result in more compelling letters. That said, developing strong relationships with your teachers and being proactive in communication can still lead to great recommendations, regardless of class size.

4. Contextual evaluation: Admissions officers will evaluate your achievements within the context of your school and community. If your school is in an area with fewer resources or opportunities, admissions committees will likely take this into account when evaluating your application.

In summary, class size can indirectly influence your college application but is not a direct factor in admission decisions. What matters more is your academic performance, extracurricular involvement, and your ability to thrive in the context of your high school and community. Focus on maximizing the opportunities available to you, regardless of the size of your graduating class, to enhance your chances of getting into top schools.

a year ago

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