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Colorado State University vs CU Boulder: Which one to pick?

Hey guys, I'm struggling to decide between Colorado State University (CSU) and the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder). Can anyone provide some insight into the academics, campus life, and post-graduation opportunities at each university? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on being accepted to both CSU and CU Boulder. I'm glad to give you some insights into the academics, campus life, and post-grad opportunities at both universities so you can make an informed decision.


Both universities offer strong academic programs but differ in their strengths. CSU is known for its programs in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and engineering. On the other hand, CU Boulder is strong in aerospace engineering, Earth sciences, physics, and business. Depending on your intended major or interests, you might find one school more appealing.

Campus Life:

CU Boulder has an outdoorsy, active campus culture with the beautiful Flatirons as a backdrop, and the city itself is known for its active lifestyle. The campus has many recreational opportunities such as hiking, biking, and skiing nearby. It's also close to Denver for internship opportunities and city life. Boulder tends to be quite progressive and environmentally-conscious.

CSU, located in Fort Collins, has a welcoming and friendly campus culture. Fort Collins is a charming college town with a vibrant downtown area. You'll find a close-knit community with opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, biking, and rafting. CSU is also known for its sustainability efforts.

Post-graduation Opportunities:

Post-graduation opportunities will depend on your field of study. CSU's connections with the agricultural sector and strong veterinary program create job opportunities in those fields. However, CU Boulder's renowned aerospace engineering and Earth sciences programs have strong ties to research facilities and industry partners, potentially leading to career opportunities in those sectors. The proximity of CU Boulder to Denver might also provide additional internship and job prospects.

Remember, it's essential to visit both campuses and take virtual tours if possible. At the end of the day, your decision will come down to personal preference and how well you see yourself fitting into each university's culture and environment. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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