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Georgetown or Davidson: Which one's a better fit for me?

Hi all! I'm currently trying to decide between Georgetown and Davidson. Can anyone help me understand the main differences between these schools, in terms of campus life, location, and academics? I'm also really into community service and extracurriculars, so any info on those would be great too!

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on being admitted to both Georgetown and Davidson - they're both fantastic schools, but they do have quite different environments. Here's a brief comparison of some key aspects:

1. Campus life: Georgetown has a larger student body (about 7,000 undergraduates) compared to Davidson's smaller community (almost 2,000 undergraduates). So, interaction at Georgetown will naturally be more diverse, while Davidson offers a close-knit community where you're likely to know more people. Both schools have competitive sports cultures; Georgetown is Division I and part of the Big East, while Davidson is also Division I but in the Atlantic 10 Conference.

2. Location: Georgetown is located in Washington, D.C., which means you'll be right in the heart of the nation's capital. This offers excellent internship and networking opportunities, cultural experiences, and a vibrant city life. Davidson, on the other hand, is a suburban campus located in a small town in North Carolina. Its location provides a more traditional, picturesque college-town experience with less hustle and bustle than Georgetown.

3. Academics: Georgetown is known for its strong programs in international relations, political science, business, and law. Davidson is a liberal arts college with a well-rounded curriculum, but it's particularly strong in fields like biology, economics, and English. While both schools are academically rigorous, Georgetown has a more pre-professional focus, while Davidson emphasizes a broader liberal arts education.

4. Community service and extracurriculars: Both schools have various community service opportunities and extracurriculars. Georgetown has a Center for Social Justice, which supports many volunteer initiatives, and numerous clubs and organizations focused on service. Meanwhile, Davidson fosters a strong sense of community engagement and offers opportunities to get involved in local nonprofits, tutoring programs, and volunteer projects.

In the end, the decision depends on your personal preferences and priorities. If you prefer a larger, bustling urban environment with a more pre-professional focus, Georgetown might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you value a close-knit, liberal arts education in a picturesque college-town setting, Davidson may be a more favorable option. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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