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RIT vs Penn State: Help me choose, please!

Hi everyone! I've been accepted to both RIT and Penn State, but I'm having a hard time deciding which one would be a better fit for me. Could any current students or alumni of these schools give me their opinions on academics, social life, campus atmosphere, and any other factors you think would be important for me to consider? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Response: Congratulations on your acceptances to RIT and Penn State! Both are excellent schools, but they do have some differences that may sway your decision. I'll try to break it down for you in terms of academics, social life, and campus atmosphere.


RIT is well-known for its strong programs in fields like engineering, computing, and design. The academics are rigorous, and the school has a cooperative education program, which allows students to gain valuable work experience during their studies. Penn State, on the other hand, has a wider variety of majors and strong programs across several disciplines. They have a large research focus, with numerous research opportunities available to undergraduates.

Social Life:

Penn State is known for its vibrant social scene and has a sizable Greek life presence. There are plenty of clubs, activities, and events happening regularly, in addition to a strong sports culture. RIT has a smaller campus population and a more tight-knit community. While it may not have as expansive a social scene as Penn State, there are still plenty of clubs and extracurricular activities to participate in.

Campus Atmosphere:

RIT has a more suburban setting, located in Henrietta, just outside of Rochester, NY. The campus is fairly compact, making it easy to navigate, and the nearby city offers plenty of opportunities for internships, co-ops, and general exploration. Penn State, on the other hand, is located in State College, PA, which is essentially a college town. The campus is quite large, and the university is the heart of the town, with a strong community feel.

Other Factors:

Weather might also be a consideration for you. Rochester is known for its cold, snowy winters, while State College also gets cold, but typically has less snowfall. Additionally, consider the size of each school. RIT has a smaller student population, which might provide more personalized attention, while Penn State's larger campus offers a wide range of resources and opportunities.

In the end, the choice between RIT and Penn State comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. Consider visiting both campuses if possible before making a decision. Best of luck with your choice!

a year ago

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