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Engineering a car: extracurricular activity idea?

Hi guys, I was thinking about working on a project where I'd engineer or improve a car as an extracurricular activity. Does this sound like a viable idea, and do you think it would be interesting or helpful for my college admissions? Any suggestions or advice on how to get started would be great too! Thanks!

a year ago

Definitely, this can be a viable and unique extracurricular activity that can showcase your passion for automotive engineering, creativity, and problem-solving skills! If you can successfully complete the project or even simply make significant progress, it could help distinguish your college application, especially if you're applying for a STEM or engineering program.

Here are a few suggestions on how to get started:

1. Research: Begin by researching automotive design, engineering principles, and materials involved in vehicle construction. Look at existing car models and automotive technologies to see what you can build on or improve.

2. Narrow down your focus: Choose a specific aspect of the car to work on, whether it's the engine, suspension, or safety features. This specificity will help you set achievable goals and demonstrate your dedication to a particular field.

3. Develop a plan: Create a step-by-step plan for your project, outlining each stage in detail. Being organized will give you a clear path to follow as you work towards your ultimate goal.

4. Mentorship: Seek mentorship from a teacher, mechanic, or someone with experience in automotive engineering who can guide you throughout the process. Their expertise can be invaluable in overcoming challenges and providing technical advice.

5. Document your progress: Keep a record of your work, including research, sketches, schematics, and photographs. Having evidence of your efforts so far will help you reflect on your development and problem-solving strategies.

6. Collaborate with others: Consider forming a team with other like-minded students who share your passion for engineering and cars. Working together can increase the scope and impact of your project, as well as demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills.

7. Showcase your work: Share your progress and final results with your school community, submit it to a science or engineering fair, or present it at a local Maker Faire. Doing so can help you gain visibility and potentially secure further opportunities to develop and refine your project.

Remember that the process and experience are just as important as the end result. Demonstrating your passion, commitment, creativity, and skills through an engineering project like this can certainly help you stand out in your college applications, and hopefully you have a great final product to show off too! Good luck!

a year ago

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