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CMU Game Academy: What's it like?

Hey everyone! I've been researching game design programs, and I found out about the CMU Game Academy. Can someone who's been a part of this program tell me what it's like and how it could benefit my future application to study game design?

a year ago

Hey there! While I haven't attended the CMU Game Academy myself, I have heard about it from several students who have participated. Overall, the CMU Game Academy is a well-regarded program where students get to explore various aspects of game design under the guidance of Carnegie Mellon University faculty and professionals in the field.

The CMU Game Academy offers an intensive summer experience that typically lasts 6 weeks. During this time, you'll get a deep dive into various game design concepts including programming, game mechanics, game art, and narrative design. The program strikes a good balance between technical skills and creative development, so you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the game design process.

Throughout the program, you'll work on a team project to create your own game. This collaborative experience not only helps sharpen your technical skills but will also improve your teamwork and communication abilities. Matching the tight deadlines and fast-paced environment of the gaming industry, the CMU Game Academy provides valuable hands-on practice.

As for the benefit to your future game design application, participating in the CMU Game Academy will demonstrate your strong passion and commitment to the field of game design, which can give you an edge. Additionally, the skills and practical knowledge you gain from the program will allow you to create portfolio pieces showcasing your abilities and creativity.

On top of that, the CMU Game Academy can provide networking opportunities with professionals and like-minded students, helping you build connections in the industry. Interaction with CMU faculty may help as you can request letters of recommendation from them if you make a strong impression and develop lasting relationships.

In conclusion, the CMU Game Academy can indeed have a positive impact on your future application to study game design by offering you a deeper understanding of the subject area, hands-on experience, portfolio material, and networking possibilities. It will help demonstrate your dedication and preparation for pursuing a degree in game design.

a year ago

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