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What's the average MCAT score for med school applicants?

Hey everybody! I know this is generally a pre-college forum, but I'm curious about med school down the line. Does anyone know what the average MCAT score is for med school applicants, and what scores are considered competitive for top programs?

a year ago

Hey there! No problem tackling a med school question. The average MCAT score for all medical school applicants usually hovers around 505-506. However, to be a more competitive candidate for top medical schools, you'll want to aim for a higher score. Top-tier medical schools typically look for applicants with MCAT scores in the 90th percentile or above, which equates to approximately 517 or higher.

It's worth noting that a high MCAT score alone will not guarantee acceptance into a top medical program. Medical schools also assess your overall academic performance, clinical experiences, research projects, extracurricular involvement, personal statement, and letters of recommendation during the application process. So, while a strong MCAT score is an essential component of a successful application, it is important to focus on building a well-rounded and compelling profile overall.

Keep up the hard work and good luck in your future medical school endeavors!

a year ago

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