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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it better to take easier classes and get higher grades or harder classes with lower grades?

Hi everyone, I'm a junior in high school and I'm trying to plan my senior year schedule. I'm torn between taking easier classes and getting higher grades or taking more challenging classes with the risk of lower grades. What do colleges prefer to see on applications? Any advice would be really helpful. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hello! I understand the predicament you're in, as my own child faced a similar situation not too long ago. From our experience, it is important to strike a balance between challenging courses and maintaining a strong academic record. Colleges often look for students who have pushed themselves to take rigorous courses, as it shows a willingness to learn and grow. However, it's also essential to maintain good grades, as they play a significant role in the admission process. My suggestion would be to take a mix of advanced classes in subjects you're passionate about and excel in, while taking regular or honors classes in other subjects. This approach not only demonstrates your academic abilities and commitment, but it also helps maintain a high GPA. Don't forget to consider the workload of these classes and ensure you can manage your time effectively, as extracurricular activities and community involvement are also important aspects of college applications. Good luck with your decisions, and I hope this advice helps!

11 months ago

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