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Direct entry nursing BSN programs

Hi, I'm a junior and seriously thinking about going into nursing. Are there any direct entry nursing programs where I don't have to switch majors later on? Specifically looking for BSN programs. All suggestions are welcome!

5 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in pursuing nursing as a career. There are indeed many direct entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs that you can apply to as a high school student. These programs allow you to start your nursing education right away without needing to switch majors later on. Here are a few examples of direct entry BSN programs:

1. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn's School of Nursing offers a highly ranked direct entry BSN program. The curriculum combines rigorous coursework with clinical experience to prepare students for success in the nursing field.

2. University of Michigan: Their direct entry BSN program is called the Accelerated Second Degree BSN (ABSN); this program is designed for students who have completed a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field, but wish to pursue a BSN without spending another four years in school.

3. Emory University: Emory's Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing offers a direct entry BSN program that focuses on community and public health, as well as clinical nursing practice.

4. Boston College: The Connell School of Nursing at Boston College has a direct entry BSN program that provides a strong foundation in both nursing and liberal arts education.

5. New York University: NYU's Rory Meyers College of Nursing offers a direct entry BSN program with an emphasis on evidence-based practice and research.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more direct entry BSN programs out there. When researching schools, make sure to verify that they have a direct entry option for their nursing program. Also, keep in mind that admission to these programs can be competitive, so it's important to maintain a strong academic record, particularly in the sciences, and gain some relevant volunteer experience if possible. Good luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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