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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it better to take harder classes or maintain a high GPA?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide on my senior year schedule, and I'm not sure whether I should take more challenging AP classes or focus on maintaining a high GPA. What do you think colleges value more, a rigorous course load or a high GPA? I'm a little stressed about this decision, so any advice would be appreciated!

2 years ago

Hi there! I understand that this can be a tough decision to make, and it's great that you're seeking advice. From my experience with my own child, I believe the ideal situation is to try and strike a balance between the two. Colleges do appreciate students who challenge themselves academically by taking more rigorous courses, but they also understand the importance of a solid GPA. It's important to show colleges that not only can you handle challenging courses, but you can also excel in them. If you think you can manage a few AP classes without it affecting your GPA too much, I'd say go for it! However, if you're concerned that taking too many challenging courses may cause your GPA to suffer significantly, then it might be better to focus on a few AP classes and do really well in them. You can also try talking to your school counselor about this decision, as they might have some helpful insights specific to your situation. Good luck with your senior year and the college application process!

2 years ago

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