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Help with common debate topics?

I'm part of my school's debate team and I want to practice and improve my skills. What are some common debate topics that I should be well-versed in or that appear frequently in high school competitions?

a year ago

Debate is a great extracurricular for developing critical thinking and public speaking skills, and being prepared on various topics can significantly improve your performance. Here are some common high school debate topics across different categories that you may encounter:

Social and Political Issues:

1. Gun control

2. Capital punishment

3. Immigration policy

4. Universal healthcare

5. Climate change and environmental policies

6. Affirmative action

7. LGBTQ+ rights

8. Voting age

9. Freedom of speech and hate speech

10. Police reform and defunding

Economic Issues:

1. Minimum wage

2. Wealth and income inequality

3. Taxation policies (e.g., progressive taxation, corporate tax)

4. Universal Basic Income (UBI)

5. Free trade vs. protectionism

6. Student loan debt and potential forgiveness

7. Economic globalization

Educational Issues:

1. Standardized testing

2. School vouchers and charter schools

3. University admissions (e.g., race-conscious admissions, standardized test scores)

4. Online education vs. traditional education

5. Implementation of technology in the classroom

6. Funding distribution within public education

7. Importance of arts education in schools

Science, Technology, and Ethics:

1. Artificial intelligence and its implications

2. Genetic engineering and designer babies

3. Privacy and data security in the digital age

4. Social media and its impact on society

5. Space exploration and colonization

6. Human cloning

7. Animal rights and experimentation

8. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide

Remember to research both sides of each topic to be well-prepared for the full spectrum of debate arguments. Additionally, keep up with current events, as they may offer new perspectives or contribute to evolving views on these topics. Good luck with your debate practices and competitions!

a year ago

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