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Medical Schools in Canada

Hi everyone! I'm considering applying to medical schools in Canada. How many med schools are there throughout the country? What should I keep in mind when navigating the application process for Canadian medical schools?

a year ago

Hey there! Canada has a total of 17 medical schools, and they are spread across different provinces. When applying to Canadian medical schools, there are a few key points you should consider:

1. Prerequisites and GPA: Each medical school has its own set of prerequisites and GPA requirements, so it's essential to research each school's specific requirements and make sure you have taken (or plan to take) the necessary courses. Many medical schools use a weighted GPA that accounts for full-time study and adjusts for course rigor.

2. MCAT: Although the majority of Canadian medical schools require MCAT scores, some schools, like the University of Ottawa, don't. Familiarize yourself with each school's MCAT requirements, minimum scores, and the sections they emphasize.

3. Application: Canadian medical schools generally use a centralized application system called the Ontario Medical School Application Service (OMSAS) for schools in Ontario, and other provinces have their own provincial systems. Make sure you understand the specific application processes, deadlines, and fees required by each system.

4. Provincial residency preference: Some Canadian medical schools give preference to applicants who are residents of the province where the school is located. Research each school's policies on residency preference to ensure you have a thorough understanding of your chances based on your residency status.

5. Autobiographical Sketch: Canadian medical schools typically require an Autobiographical Sketch, where you list your activities, achievements, and experiences, along with short descriptions. Dedicate time to providing thoughtful and accurate information, as this will help the schools better understand your background and interests.

6. Letters of Reference: Be prepared to submit a certain number of letters of reference. Keep in mind that some medical schools have specific requirements for the types of references they accept (e.g., academic, professional, or personal). Start thinking about potential referees early and approach them well in advance.

7. Interviews: If selected for an interview, you may encounter different formats such as Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) or traditional panel interviews. Invest time in preparing for both styles and practice with friends, peers, or mentors.

8. Research and extracurricular activities: Although medical schools in Canada value a strong academic background, they also appreciate well-rounded applicants who have pursued their interests outside the classroom. Engaging in a variety of research, community service, and leadership activities can showcase your dedication, expertise, and enrich your application.

Best of luck with the application process! Remember that thorough research and preparation are essential for navigating Canadian medical school admissions successfully.

a year ago

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