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Most prestigious dance schools?

Hi! I'm hoping to pursue dance in college, and I'm looking for the most prestigious dance schools. Can anyone tell me which ones are highly acclaimed in the dance world? I want to aim for the best of the best!

a year ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're passionate about pursuing dance in college. The best dance programs are often found within prestigious schools and conservatories, and each one specializes in various styles and techniques. Here's a list of some highly acclaimed dance schools that are well-regarded in the dance world:

1. Juilliard School (New York City) - Renowned for its excellent training in various dance genres, including ballet, modern, and contemporary.

2. Tisch School of the Arts, New York University (New York City) - Offers a well-rounded dance education in ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap, and world dance forms.

3. University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) (Winston-Salem) - Known for its robust dance program that focuses on ballet, contemporary, and modern dance techniques.

4. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) (Valencia) - Emphasizes contemporary dance and choreography, with an interdisciplinary approach to dance that merges various artistic disciplines.

5. Boston Conservatory at Berklee (Boston) - Highly respected for its blend of classical ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary dance techniques, as well as its focus on choreography and dance pedagogy.

6. University of Southern California Glorya Kaufman School of Dance (Los Angeles) - A newer program in comparison to others on this list, but quickly gaining prestige with its unique combination of ballet, contemporary, and commercial dance.

7. Ailey/Fordham BFA Program (New York City) - Collaboration between Fordham University and the prestigious Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, emphasizing technique, performance, and choreography.

8. Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University (New Brunswick) - Offers both BA and BFA degrees in dance, with concentrations in ballet, modern, and dance studies.

Keep in mind that it's essential to not only consider the prestige of the program but also fit in terms of teaching styles, techniques, and performance opportunities. Attend college open houses, talk to faculty and current students, and try to observe classes or rehearsals to get a feel for each program. This will help ensure you find the best dance program for you and your goals. Good luck!

a year ago

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