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Rice Architecture Acceptance Rate

Hello, folks! I'm passionate about studying architecture and I'm considering applying to Rice University. I heard their architecture program is really good. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for Rice's architecture program? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! You're right, Rice University has an excellent architecture program. However, the acceptance rate specifically for the architecture program can be a bit challenging to pin down, as the university doesn't publish exact numbers for individual programs or majors. That being said, we can infer some information by looking at the broader context. Rice University is a highly selective institution with an overall acceptance rate of around 8-9%. Since the architecture program is considered competitive, you can assume that the acceptance rate for the program might be similar or potentially even lower.

Keep in mind that the admissions process will take into account your academic achievements, experience in the field (if you have any), portfolio, and overall passion for architecture. To maximize your chances of getting accepted, make sure you present a strong application that showcases your dedication to the field and your talent in design.

Good luck with your application! Rice University's architecture program offers a well-rounded and rigorous curriculum, and it could be a fantastic choice for your studies.

a year ago

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