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| 800 verbal


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What AI Detector do Colleges Use for Essays?

Hey everyone, this might sound a bit paranoid, but I'm curious about the AI detectors that colleges use to check admissions essays. Anyone know what kind of tools they use and how effective they are in detecting plagiarism or irregularities?

11 months ago

Hey there! There's no need to be paranoid as long as you submit authentic and original work in your admissions essays. Colleges take plagiarism and academic integrity quite seriously, so they may use various tools to ensure that the submitted essays are original and written by the applicants themselves.

One common tool that colleges often employ is Turnitin, a widely-used plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks submitted essays against a vast database of previously submitted papers, web pages, and academic publications to identify any similarities or plagiarized content. The software generates a similarity report, which highlights any matching content.

Another method used by some colleges is to compare a student's writing style across various submitted documents, such as personal statements, supplemental essays, and short answer responses. They may look for inconsistencies in writing style, voice, and syntax to detect any possible irregularities.

It's essential to always be genuine and original in your college essays because most of these AI detection tools are quite effective in identifying copied or unauthentic work. The purpose of the essay is to give admissions committees a better understanding of who you are, your experiences, and your aspirations. Writing an essay that accurately represents you will undoubtedly create a stronger and more impactful application.

Good luck with your essays, and remember to stay true to your unique voice and experiences!

11 months ago

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