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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Harvard require supplemental essays?

Hi guys, I'm preparing for the college application process and I've been wondering about Harvard's requirements. Do they ask for supplemental essays in their application? Just trying to get a handle on what I need to do early on. Thanks!

a year ago

Yes, Harvard does require supplemental essays in their application. In addition to the main personal statement, you'll need to complete the Harvard supplement, which consists of several short essay prompts. The prompts can vary slightly from year to year.

As you start preparing for these supplemental essays, remember to stay authentic, thoughtful, and reflective of your own experiences and beliefs. Harvard values applicants who can bring a unique perspective to their campus community, so don't be afraid to let your voice and personality shine through. Good luck with your application process!

To learn more about Harvard's prompts, read this blog post:

a year ago

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