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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I be worried about not having taken enough AP classes?

Hi all, I'm a bit stressed about my course load. I've only taken a few AP classes so far, and I'm worried that I'm not taking enough to be competitive when I apply to colleges. Is this something I should be concerned about? How many AP classes do colleges expect from applicants? Thanks for any advice you can provide!

11 months ago

Hey there! It's completely normal to feel stressed about college applications and your course load. First, it's important to remember that the number of AP classes you take isn't the only factor colleges consider. They look at the whole picture, including your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and more. That said, it's true that taking a challenging course load can help demonstrate your academic abilities. The number of AP classes colleges expect can vary depending on the school and its selectivity. Some colleges may be satisfied with 3-5 AP courses, while others might want to see more. Ultimately, it's about striking a balance between challenging yourself and maintaining a strong GPA. If you feel you haven't taken enough AP classes, consider talking to your school counselor about your concerns. They can help you plan your remaining time in high school to ensure you're on the right track for college applications. Best of luck!

11 months ago

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