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Should I submit my ACT score if it's not required?

Hey, everyone! I just got my ACT scores, and they're decent but not amazing. With many colleges going test-optional, should I still submit my scores? Will it help or hurt my chances of getting accepted? Any advice would be appreciated!

11 months ago

It depends on the colleges you're applying to and how your ACT score compares to the average scores of admitted students at those institutions. If your score falls within or above the mid-50% range for accepted students, it's a good idea to submit your ACT score, as it can strengthen your application and demonstrate your academic abilities.

On the other hand, if your score is below the mid-50% range for the colleges you are targeting, it may be better not to submit your score. Instead, focus on other areas of your application, such as your grades, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters, to showcase your strengths and what you can contribute to the college community.

Keep in mind that even though test scores are not required at test-optional schools, good test scores can still provide a boost to your application. Additionally, submitting test scores may make you eligible for merit scholarships at some institutions, so it's worth considering if your score is competitive.

In summary, do some research on the schools you're interested in, and compare your ACT score to their mid-50% range or average scores of admitted students. If your score is competitive, go ahead and submit it; otherwise, focus on other aspects of your application to impress the admissions committee.

11 months ago

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