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How to know if I qualify for the National Merit Scholarship?

Hey everyone! I did well on my PSAT and I think I might qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. How do they determine who is eligible and what steps do I need to take to make sure I'm considered for it?

11 months ago

Hey! Congrats on doing well on your PSAT! To qualify for the National Merit Scholarship, you'll primarily need a high PSAT score, as the program uses the Score Index (aka Selection Index) to determine eligibility. Here's what you need to know:

1. Determine your Score Index (Selection Index): Add your three PSAT test section scores (Math, Evidence-Based Reading, Writing & Language) and multiply the sum by two. For example, if you scored 32 in Math, 31 in Reading, and 30 in Writing & Language, the sum is 93 (32+31+30), and your Score Index would be 186 (93x2).

2. Check if your Score Index meets the state cutoff: Each year, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) sets a Score Index cutoff for each state. If your Score Index reaches or exceeds that cutoff, you will qualify as either a Commended Student or a Semifinalist. Commended Students have a high score but didn't quite meet their state's Semifinalist cutoff. Semifinalist status is crucial to move forward in the competition for the National Merit Scholarship. The cutoffs for each state vary annually based on the test performance of students in that state.

3. Advance to the Semifinalist stage: If you become a Semifinalist by meeting your state's cutoff, you will receive a notification from your school or the NMSC in September of the following school year. To be considered for a National Merit Scholarship, you must then complete an application, which typically includes a personal essay, information about your extracurricular activities, and an endorsement from a school official (such as your principal or counselor).

4. Progress to Finalist status: In February, NMSC selects around 15,000 students as Finalists, based on their academic record, extracurricular activities, essay, and school recommendation. About half of the Finalists will ultimately be offered a National Merit Scholarship.

5. Receive a National Merit Scholarship: The National Merit Scholarship winners are announced in the spring. There are three main types of awards: National Merit $2,500 Scholarships, corporate-sponsored scholarships, and college-sponsored scholarships.

Remember, only U.S. high school students who took the PSAT in their junior year can qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program. Good luck, and I hope you get to advance in the competition!

11 months ago

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