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Acceptance rate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison?

Hey guys! I'm extremely interested in attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Can anyone give me some details about its acceptance rate, especially for out-of-state students? Any tips on how to stand out during the application process or what factors they value the most? Thank you!

11 months ago

Hello! The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a great choice for higher education. Its overall acceptance rate is around 54% (recent data report a range between 49% and 60%). However, as an out-of-state applicant, the acceptance rate might be slightly lower for you compared to in-state students. While I don't have a specific number for out-of-state acceptance rates, you can still improve your chances with a strong application.

UW-Madison values a variety of factors during its application review, including your grades, standardized test scores (optional until at least Spring 2025), extracurricular involvement, and essays. Here's how you can stand out during the application process:

1. Academics: Show that you've challenged yourself academically by taking rigorous classes (e.g., AP, IB, or honors) and maintaining a competitive GPA. If you choose to submit standardized test scores, aim for a high score to increase your chances of admission.

2. Extracurriculars: Demonstrating a deep commitment and leadership in a few extracurricular activities helps show your passions and dedication. Focus on quality over quantity; it's better to be highly involved in a few activities than to have a long list of superficial engagements.

3. Essays: Make sure your essays are well written, personal, and genuinely reflect who you are. Choose topics that are not cliché, and think about how your experiences have shaped you as a person. A compelling essay can help admissions officers connect with you on a personal level. For in-depth guides on tackling these essays, check out this CollegeVine article:

4. Recommendations: Strong recommendation letters from teachers or counselors who know you well can emphasize your strengths and help paint a fuller picture of you as a student and individual.

5. Additional materials (if applicable): If you've pursued an interest outside of school, like research or independent projects, you might consider submitting supplementary materials as part of your application. This could help showcase your unique skills and interests to the admissions officers.

Keep in mind that every application is reviewed holistically, and these are just a few aspects that can help you stand out. Best of luck with your application to UW-Madison!

11 months ago

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