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Top Direct Entry PA Programs?

Hello! I'm interested in pursuing a Physician Assistant (PA) career and I've heard about Direct Entry PA programs that allow you to become a PA faster. Can anyone recommend some of the best Direct Entry PA programs out there? Thank you in advance!

11 months ago

Hello! Direct Entry PA programs are a great way to expedite your path to becoming a Physician Assistant. Here are a couple top Direct Entry PA programs to consider:

1. Drexel University: Drexel's PA program offers a 5.25-year combined BS/MHS (Master of Health Science) degree. You'll spend the first four years completing a Bachelor of Science degree and then transition into the PA program during your last year.

2. Duquesne University: Duquesne offers a combined 5-year degree program that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and a Master of Physician Assistant Studies. The program has a strong emphasis on primary care and clinical experiences, providing valuable hands-on training.

Before applying, make sure to research the prerequisites, admission requirements, and program specifics. Keep in mind that direct entry programs are typically quite competitive, so it's essential to maintain a strong GPA and meet all of the requirements to stay on track. Best of luck in your pursuit of a PA career!

11 months ago

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