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Interesting argument topics for school debates?

So I'm part of my school's debate club, and we're brainstorming some new topics for our upcoming meetings. What are some great, engaging argument topics we could use that'll be interesting and challenging for high school students?

11 months ago

It's fantastic that you're seeking engaging and challenging topics for your debate club! Here's a list of potential debate topics that touch on a variety of perspectives and subjects:

1. Universal Basic Income: Would the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) reduce poverty and improve overall economic security?

2. Artificial Intelligence: Should there be limitations on the development and use of artificial intelligence to ensure ethical concerns and human workforce displacement are addressed?

3. Capital Punishment: Does the death penalty serve as an effective deterrent for crime or is it an inhumane punishment?

4. Animal Testing: Is the use of animals for scientific research and testing justifiable considering the necessity for medical advancements?

5. Social Media Regulation: Should social media platforms be more strictly regulated to minimize fake news, cyberbullying, and privacy violations?

6. Internet Privacy: Do individuals have a right to absolute privacy online, or should the government be allowed to monitor and access personal data when necessary for national security?

7. Climate Change: How aggressive should government policies be in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable practices, considering the potential economic consequences?

8. Gene Editing: Should scientists be permitted to use gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR for the alteration of human DNA to prevent genetic disorders or enhance specific traits?

9. College Education: Should public college education be made free, or would it devalue the importance of higher education and place an unnecessary burden on taxpayers?

10. Gun Control: What extent of regulation should be placed on the purchase and ownership of firearms to effectively balance individual rights and public safety concerns?

11. Space Exploration: Should allocating public funds for space exploration be prioritized, or should the resources be used to address more pressing issues on Earth?

12. Voting Age: Is lowering the voting age to 16 a good idea to increase political engagement, or are young people not yet ready for civic participation?

I hope you find these topics interesting and thought-provoking for your debate club meetings. Encourage your club members to delve into their research and come prepared to tackle each side of these complex issues. Best of luck, and happy debating!

11 months ago

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