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Do AP Scholar Awards Mean Much?

I've been working really hard, and I've earned a couple of AP Scholar awards. I'm just wondering if these awards hold any significant value when applying to college? Does it make a big difference on my application?

a year ago

Congratulations on earning AP Scholar awards! While these awards might seem significant at first glance, they generally don't carry much weight in the college admissions process. This is primarily because the awards are based on your performance on AP exams, and your AP scores themselves aren't as important as the AP courses you take and the grades you receive in those courses. Colleges are more interested in your academic rigor, course selection, and GPA as they directly reflect your overall academic performance.

Moreover, many other applicants to selective colleges will also have earned AP Scholar awards, making them quite common and less distinctive in the competitive applicant pool. It's still important to mention your AP awards in your application, as they do demonstrate your dedication to taking challenging courses and excelling in them. However, you shouldn't rely on these awards alone to set your application apart.

Instead, focus on other aspects of your application that can make you stand out. Develop a strong "spike" in your area of interest, showing a high level of accomplishment or dedication in a specific field. Engage in meaningful extracurricular activities, showcasing leadership and passion in your chosen pursuits. Lastly, craft a compelling personal essay that genuinely reflects your unique story, experiences, and personal growth.

To sum up, AP Scholar awards alone won't make a significant difference on your college applications. They serve more as an affirmation of your strong academic performance in AP courses, which admissions officers already evaluate through your transcript. So, make sure to strengthen other aspects of your application that can help you stand out in the competitive admissions process. Good luck!

a year ago

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