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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Importance of Teacher Recommendations for College Applications

Hi all! I was wondering, do you really need teacher recommendations for college applications, and if so, how important are they? Is it better to have a recommendation from a teacher in your intended major or just from a teacher who knows you well? Any advice would be appreciated.

11 months ago

Hello! Teacher recommendations are indeed an important component of most college applications. They provide insight into your academic performance, work ethic, and how you interact with your peers and teachers in a classroom setting. While the importance of teacher recommendations can vary from college to college, they generally hold considerable weight in a holistic review process, as they give the admissions committee a different perspective on your strengths and character.

When choosing teachers for your recommendations, it's essential to pick those who know you well and can speak to your abilities, accomplishments, and personal qualities. Typically, it's a good idea to ask teachers who've taught you in core academic subjects (e.g., English, Math, Science, or Social Studies) in your junior or senior year of high school, as they have the most recent and relevant knowledge of your academic performance.

If you have a specific intended major and have established a strong relationship with a teacher in that subject area, obtaining a recommendation from them could be valuable. An endorsement from a subject-specific teacher (e.g., a science teacher if you're planning to major in biology) can help highlight your passion and proficiency in the subject, supporting your claim that you're well-prepared to pursue and excel in the major. However, having a teacher who knows you well and can write an insightful, personalized letter should be the priority, even if they teach in a different subject area.

11 months ago

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