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Is there a way to convert my PSAT score to an ACT score?

Hey there! I recently received my PSAT scores and was wondering if anyone knows how to convert them to an equivalent ACT score. I'd like to get an idea of where I am in terms of my ACT score before I start preparing for the test. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey! While there isn't a direct conversion from PSAT to ACT scores, you can use your PSAT scores as a rough estimate and starting point for your ACT preparation. To do this conversion, you can follow these two steps:

1. Convert your PSAT score to an approximate SAT score: PSAT scores tend to be slightly lower than SAT scores because the PSAT is scored out of 1520 instead of 1600. You can find an approximation using this table:

2. Convert your approximate SAT score to an ACT score: For this part, you can use a concordance table created by the College Board and ACT to compare the two scores. Here's a simplified version:

- SAT 1600 = ACT 36

- SAT 1560-1590 = ACT 35

- SAT 1510-1550 = ACT 34

- SAT 1460-1500 = ACT 33

- SAT 1420-1450 = ACT 32

- SAT 1380-1410 = ACT 31

- SAT 1330-1370 = ACT 30

... And so on.

Using this table, you can see where your approximate SAT score falls and then see what the equivalent ACT score would be. Keep in mind that this conversion is just a rough estimate, and your actual ACT score could be higher or lower after proper preparation.

It's important to remember that the PSAT is a prelim exam designed to give you an idea of your strengths and weaknesses before you take the SAT or ACT. So, use your PSAT scores as a starting point and focus on understanding which areas you need to improve as you prepare for the ACT. Good luck with your test prep!

a year ago

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