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Penn State admissions: what should I focus on to increase my chances?

Hey, y'all! I'm seriously considering applying to Penn State, but I'm not exactly sure what aspects of my application I should strengthen. Any advice on what they look for in applicants?

11 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering Penn State. To increase your chances of admission, you should focus on a few key areas in your application:

1. Academic performance: Penn State values a strong academic foundation, so prioritizing your grades and course rigor is essential. If you're still in high school, aim to maintain a high GPA and take challenging classes, such as honors, AP, or IB courses.

2. Standardized test scores (optional): Penn State has adopted a test-optional policy, so submitting SAT or ACT scores is not required but can be helpful if you have strong scores. Typically, successful applicants have scores within or above the median range for admitted students. However, if you feel your scores may not represent your potential, you can choose not to submit them.

3. Extracurricular involvement: Penn State also looks for well-rounded applicants who demonstrate strong engagement in extracurricular activities. While joining numerous clubs and organizations may seem tempting, remember that quality often matters more than quantity. Instead, focus on a few activities that genuinely interest you and aim for leadership roles, achievements, or significant contribution.

4. Essays: Personal essays are an essential component of your application, as they provide an opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and future goals. Make sure to write a well-crafted, thoughtful essay that highlights your unique experiences and insights. The essay should demonstrate strong writing skills and your ability to reflect upon your life experiences.

5. Letters of recommendation: Choose recommenders who can provide specific examples of your accomplishments, work ethic, and character. It's best to request letters from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak positively about your skills, commitment, and potential for success at Penn State.

6. Demonstrated interest: Although Penn State does not explicitly track demonstrated interest, it's still helpful to familiarize yourself with the campus, attend virtual events, and connect with admissions representatives when possible. This research can also be useful in crafting a more effective application.

By focusing on these areas in your application, you can increase your chances of admission to Penn State. Remember that every applicant's situation is different, so adapt this advice to your specific circumstances and priorities. Good luck!

11 months ago

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