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Yale EA acceptance rate

Hey fellow juniors, I'm thinking of applying to Yale early action but I'm curious about the acceptance rate for EA compared to RD. Are the chances for getting in higher if I apply during the early action round? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! Yes, applying early action (EA) can provide a boost to your chances of getting into Yale. Historically, Yale's early action acceptance rate has been significantly higher compared to its regular decision (RD) acceptance rate. This pattern holds true for many selective colleges, as these schools appreciate the demonstrated interest shown by early applicants.

While the acceptance rates tend to vary slightly from year to year, Yale's EA acceptance rate for the class of 2028 was around 9%.

Remember that applying EA is not binding, so even if you get accepted, you're not obligated to attend Yale. If you're confident that Yale is the right school for you and you have a strong application, applying early action can give you that edge you're looking for in the admissions process. Just make sure your application is polished and ready to go by the EA deadline! Good luck!

a year ago

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