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Best SAT Reading prep books?

Hey there! I've been trying to find a good SAT Reading prep book to help me improve my reading skills before the test. Any recommendations? Let me know what worked for you!

11 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're looking for resources to improve your SAT Reading skills. There are several highly recommended prep books out there that can be quite helpful. Here are a few popular choices among students:

1. "The Critical Reader" by Erica Meltzer: Many students find this book really beneficial because it provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the SAT Reading section. Meltzer offers clear explanations of the various question types, along with strategies to tackle them efficiently. The book also includes many practice questions and passages that help reinforce what you've learned.

2. "Kaplan SAT Reading & Writing Prep": This book covers both the Reading and Writing sections of the SAT, but it's still useful for focusing on reading, as it offers solid strategies to approach the passages and questions. Kaplan's book also includes enough practice questions and explanations to help you grasp the concepts and develop your skills.

3. "College Board's SAT Prep" (official book): While it's not exclusively dedicated to Reading, the official SAT prep book from the College Board can be invaluable as it provides real SAT questions from previous tests. The fact that these are authentic questions is a significant advantage, as you'll be able to practice with the exact style and format you'll encounter on test day.

The key to success is to practice consistently, revisit your mistakes, and pay close attention to your weak areas. In addition to the books mentioned above, consider using free online resources (such as Khan Academy) and official SAT practice tests to complement your studying. Lastly, remember that everyone has their own learning style, so don't hesitate to explore various resources until you find the prep book that works best for you. Good luck!

11 months ago

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