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University of Rochester Early Decision Acceptance Rate?

Hey everyone, I've been contemplating applying to the University of Rochester through Early Decision. Does anyone know what their ED acceptance rate is? Just trying to get a feel for my chances. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! The University of Rochester's Early Decision acceptance rate is typically higher than its Regular Decision rate, although the exact numbers can vary from year to year. While I don't have the exact figure for their Early Decision acceptance rate, applying Early Decision to any college generally provides an advantage over applying during the Regular Decision cycle.

This advantage can be attributed to the fact that demonstrating interest in a school through Early Decision is appealing to colleges because it helps ensure a higher yield (the percentage of admitted students who ultimately enroll).

Although applying Early Decision might boost your chances, it's important to consider the binding nature of ED: if you're accepted, you're committed to attending, so make sure that the University of Rochester is genuinely your top choice school, and that you've considered the financial implications as well.

Good luck with your decision and the application process! I hope this information helps!

a year ago

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